PHP disabled functions

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PHP disabled functions

For security reasons, some process creation and file manipulation features are disabled on our shared hosting servers.

By disabling these features, we protect your hosting and our server from unauthorized access.

If these functions are urgently needed, we recommend that you order your own root server. On this server you can manage the PHP versions and settings yourself.


Disabled features on Windows shared hosting

passthru, shell_exec, system, proc_open, popen, show_source, pcntl_alarm, pcntl_fork, pcntl_waitpid, pcntl_wait, pcntl_wifexited, pcntl_wifstopped, pcntl_wifsignaled, pcntl_wexitstatus, pcntl_wtermsig, pcntl_wstopsig, pcntl_signal, pcntl_signal_dispatch, pcntl_get_last_error, pcntl_strerror, pcntl_sigprocmask, pcntl_sigwaitinfo, pcntl_sigtimedwait, pcntl_exec, pcntl_getpriority, pcntl_setpriority, xmlrpc_entity_decode, phpAds_XmlRpc, phpAds_xmlrpcDecode, phpAds_xmlrpcEncode, posix_getpwuid, posix_kill, posix_mkfifo, posix_setpgid, posix_setsid, posix_setuid, posix_setuid, posix_uname, proc_close, proc_get_status, proc_nice, proc_open, proc_terminate, syslog, system, xmlrpc_entity_decode, apache_child_terminate, apache_setenv, define_syslog_variables, eval, exec, highlight_file, ini_alter, ini_get_all, ini_restore, inject_code, openlog


Disabled features on Linux shared hosts

passthru, shell_exec, system, popen, show_source, pcntl_alarm, pcntl_fork, pcntl_waitpid, pcntl_wait, pcntl_wifexited, pcntl_wifstopped, pcntl_wifsignaled, pcntl_wexitstatus, pcntl_wtermsig, pcntl_wstopsig, pcntl_signal, pcntl_signal_dispatch, pcntl_get_last_error, pcntl_strerror, pcntl_sigprocmask, pcntl_sigwaitinfo, pcntl_sigtimedwait, pcntl_exec, pcntl_getpriority, pcntl_setpriority, xmlrpc_entity_decode, php_uname, phpAds_XmlRpc, phpAds_xmlrpcDecode, phpAds_xmlrpcEncode, posix_getpwuid, posix_kill, posix_mkfifo, posix_setpgid, posix_setsid, posix_setuid, posix_setuid, posix_uname, syslog, system, xmlrpc_entity_decode, apache_child_terminate, apache_setenv, define_syslog_variables, eval, exec, highlight_file, ini_alter, ini_get_all, ini_restore, inject_code, openlog

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