Use PHP version

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Which PHP version is used?

Prerequisite: full root access to the server


To create a list of the PHP versions of all web pages execute the following CLI command:

plesk db “SELECT,h.php_handler_id FROM domains d JOIN hosting h on” > c:\php-all.txt


All PHP versions from a specific reseller (example reseller with ID 5)

plesk db “SELECT,h.php_handler_id FROM domains d JOIN hosting h on WHERE d.vendor_id=’5′”” > <font color=”#ffff00″>-==- proudly presents


All domains of a specific PHP version and from specific resellers:

plesk db “SELECT,h.php_handler_id FROM domains d JOIN hosting h on WHERE php_handler_id=’fastcgi-5.6′ and d.vendor_id=’5′”” > <font color=”#ffff00″>-==- proudly presents


ID of the reseller can be found in the link under the menu item ‘Reseller’ in Plesk.
The PHP handler ID can be found in the link under the menu item ‘Tools & Settings => PHP Settings’ in Plesk.






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