Website loads slowly

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Website loads slowly

There can be several reasons if your website is slow to load. It is completely normal that the website is loaded more slowly than usual at short notice with the Shared Hosting offer. With Shared Hosting you share the server performance with other customers, with our vServer and Serverhousing offers you don’t have to share the server performance with other customers. If the condition persists for a longer period of time, we ask you to write us an email. This is very important to analyze this accurately and professionally, because otherwise Google punishes you in the ranking of the search engine.


Screenshot performance test

Open the following website: http:
//ühre a performance test and send us the screenshot of the output.


Traceroute output

Click on ‘Start -> Run’ and type ‘’.
A black box appears. In the black box, enter the following command:
www.meineWebseite.tldTeile and the output.


Output PING

Click on ‘Start -> Run’ and type ‘’. A black box appears. Enter in the black box the following command
:ping www.meineWebseite.tld


Screenshot network analysis

Now open the page in your preferred browser. Press F12 and search for the network analysis. Reload the page by pressing CTRL+F5 to get statistics about all loaded elements. Now send us the screenshot of this analysis.

Now create a request to our support with the following content:

1. Screenshot Performance Test2

Output Traceroute3

Output PING4

Screenshot network analysis5

If available: Access data to your CMS like Typo3, Wordpress, Joomla etc.
6. Time when the problem occurs.

Our technicians will check your details and carry out various tests and get in touch with you.

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